BEM FH UNUD Organizes Legal Socialization and Assisted Village in Bona Village

Author: UPIKS FH UNUD Team | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Bona-Blahbatuh, - The Student Executive Board (BEM) FH UNUD held Legal Socialization and Assisted Villages 2023 with the theme 'Sajiwa Mangun Darma', which was held in Bona Village, Blahbatuh, Gianyar, Bali, on Sunday (11/06/2023). "The Legal Socialization and Assisted Village activities in 2023 were carried out because indeed the enforcement of Intellectual Property (IP) in Bona Village is still premature and the need for a legal socialization related to IPR", said Ade as the Advocacy Coordinator. In this activity, many people of Bona Village complained about the IP system starting from the fees charged for personal copyright registration, legal protection of intellectual property in the digital era, and the lack of massive government participation in IP enforcement, as well as the benefits received by the community when registering copyright to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkumham RI). 


This activity was opened by the Vice Dean III of FH UNUD, Dr. I Made Sarjana, S.H., M.H. and presented the Law Extension Coordinator of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, I Gede Adi Saputra S.H., M.H. and Professor of FH UNUD in the field of Intellectual Property, Prof. Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, S.H., M.Hum., LLM as speakers. The art activists of Bona Village welcomed this activity enthusiastically and made it their place to complain about all the dilemmas experienced. Made Sidia, owner of Sanggar Paripurna, was one of them, because he objected to the cost burden applied for copyright registration, it was very important for Made Sidia for related parties to find a solution to this problem. "About copyright is very confusing, Gung Alit has a musical creation and it is used in SPA without his permission. Maybe the government should help Bona artists with the registration fee. Please let the government provide a solution and help the community. From some of our works, 99% are still claimed by other people, we here want to have gentlemen as our protection," said Made Sidia.


Not only stopping there, Agung Alit has confusion related to the resolution of IPR disputes in this digital era. "What are our efforts if we who even painstakingly make a work suddenly aired by others on social media, while we ourselves did not register it at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. And also if the work has been registered, can the broadcast be turned off?" Through this socialization and village mentoring activity, it is hoped that more and more art activists in Bona Village will understand the importance of protecting works of art so that they can provide maximum benefits to the creators of works of art.