Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Receives Audience from the Denpasar City Government's Tuberculosis Program Team

Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Receives Audience from the Denpasar City Government's Tuberculosis Program Team


Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information FK Unud, Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D., accompanied by Dr. dr. Ida Ayu Ika Wahyuniari., M Kes as the Coordinator of UPIKS FK Unud received the Audience Team from the Denpasar City Government Health Service which was directly led by dr. Anak Agung Ngurah Gede Dharmayuda, M.Kes., as the Head of the P2P Division, which took place in the Prof. Meeting Room. dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, Unud FK Building, Denpasar. The main agenda of the audience this time was a discussion on the prevention of tuberculosis in Denpasar City.


On this occasion, Prof. Ady welcomed the arrival of the Denpasar City Government Health Service Team and expressed his gratitude for entrusting Unud Medical Faculty as a discussion partner on tuberculosis control in Denpasar city.


"We from the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University are ready to work together and collaborate in tackling tuberculosis in the city of Denpasar," he said.


The Denpasar City Government Health Service team also invited Ni Siluh Komang Sekar Wahyuni, S.KM, as TBC Wasor, Ayu Ratih Utami Naraiswari, as TBC Technical Officer, Haryadi, S.Kep., M.Kes., as TBPS District Technical Officer . While from the Faculty of Medicine Unud this meeting was also attended by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, the Coordinator of the Masters Program in Public Health Sciences, the Coordinator of the Study Program Specialist in Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, the Head of the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine FK Unud and Dr. dr. I Wayan Gede Artawan Eka Putra, M. Epid.