Emergency Clinical Skills Training for Specialist Study Program Students at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine
The Professional Education Implementation Coordinating Unit (KP3) together with the Education Coordinating Committee (Komkordik) of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University / Prof. Ngoerah Hospital held an Emergency Clinical Skills Training activity for Specialist Study Program Students of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.
The activities that took place on January 16-18 2023 in rooms 4.01 and 4.02 of FK Udayana were held offline to improve the knowledge and skills of 159 new students in terms of emergencies so they could recognize and carry out emergency management in a comprehensive manner.
The first meeting which took place on January 16 2023 starts with registration at 07.30 – 08.00 WITA. Furthermore, the head of the FK Udayana KPPP Unit as well as the head of the committee for this activity, Dr. dr. Dyah Kanya Wati, Sp.A(K) gave a briefing on emergency clinical skills activities which will last for the next 2 days. The event continued with giving pretest. The material provided on this first day includes Airway Management and Ventilation Support; Respiration & Hemodynamic Monitoring; Management of Hypovolemic Shock; Septic Shock and Vascular Access Emergencies; Management of Anaphylactic Shock and Steven Johnson Syndrome; Management of Cardiogenic Shock / Cardiac Arrest and the last material on Decreased Consciousness and Determination of Brain Death.
The material giving activities continued on the second day on January 17 2023. The material provided included Emergencies in Metabolic/Endocrine Disorders; Emergencies in Children's Diseases; Emergency in Geriatric Cases; Acute Kidney Injury; Emergency Cases of Malignancy and Final Procedures; Transfusion of Blood and Components in Patients with Acute and Chronic Bleeding; The Role of Endoscopy in Patients with Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding, and Pain Management. The last material discussed was Transportation and Evacuation in Mass Disasters and Optimization or Stabilization of Pre-Surgery Patients.
In general, the first and second days of debriefing were given by 18 lecturers and coordinated by Dr.dr. I Putu Pramana Suarjaya, Sp.An, M.Kes. KMN.KNA and I Kadek Saputra, M.Erg. Nurse S.Kep was carried out smoothly and the participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity.
In order to be able to apply the material provided, on the third day skills training was carried out at the Cakra Vidya Usada Building, 2nd Floor and 3rd Floor of FK Udayana and coordinated by dr. Pontisomayasa Parami, Sp.An, MARS. Participants are divided into 6 small groups which will be rotated so that they apply the knowledge more intensively. The training conducted by 11 lecturers included Airway Management, Support Ventilation Management and Oxygen Therapy, Cardiovascular Diagnostics, Cardio Pulmocerebral Resuscitation, Vascular Access, and Stabilization and Evacuation.
The event continued with giving post tests, filling in feedback by participants, and closing