Visitation of LP3M UNUD to FH UNUD: Progress on Preparation for FIBAA International Accreditation

Author: UPIKS FH UNUD Team | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, – The Institute for Learning Development and Assurance (LP3M) UNUD conducted a visitation to the Faculty of Law UNUD in preparation for FIBAA international accreditation. There are 14 study programs at UNUD and 3 of them are at the Faculty of Law UNUD, namely: Undergraduate Study Program (S1) in Law, Masters Study Program (S2) in Law and Doctoral Study Program (S3) in Law. The LP3M team consisting of the Secretary of LP3M UNUD (Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Alit Employee Salain, DEA), Head of the Curriculum Development Center (Prof. Dr. Ir. GP Ganda Putra, MP), Head of the Internal Quality Assurance Center (Dr. NLG Astariyani, SH, MH), Head of the External Quality Assurance Center (Dr NL Nyoman Seri Malini, SS, M.Hum), Head of the Center for Internationalization (Ainul Ghurri, ST, MT, Ph.D) received directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Law UNUD (Prof Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa, SH, M.Hum).

The visitation was attended by Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Law UNUD (Dr. Desak Putu Dewi Kasih, SH, M.Hum), Deputy Dean II of the Faculty of Law UNUD (Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ari Atu Dewi, SH, MH), Coordinator of the Bachelor of Law Study Program (Dr. Made Gede Subha Karma Resen, SH, M.Kn), Coordinator of Doctoral Program in Law (Prof. Dr. Putu Suarma Sumadi, SH, SU), FIBAA Task Force Team S1, S2 and S3 FH UNUD, Head of Administration of FH UNUD and several educational staff.

The FIBAA FH UNUD Task Force team conveyed the progress of the preparations and the obstacles to preparing FIBAA international accreditation documents. An important part that is neatly prepared and structured and based on evidence (evidence based) is the Self Evaluation Report (SER). This SER contains 5 criteria in which there are 32 asterisk criteria that must meet the exceed requirements.

The UNUD LP3M Visitation Team conveyed the FIBAA preparation timeline, the first being in February 2023, the 14 study programs at UNUD had completed the rough draft of the SER then reviewed by the internal and external teams. The SER deadline must be completed in April 2023 and will be submitted to FIBAA according to the contract. For this reason, full support from the leadership and all stakeholders (lecturers, students, students, alumni, users) of the Faculty of Law UNUD is needed so that the SER is well structured and complete with evidence according to FIBAA criteria.