Unud Faculty of Medicine Wins 1st Place in National Level Achievement Student Association of Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association in 2022

Selection of Outstanding Students at the National Level Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association (Pilmapresnas ISMKI) is a work program from the field of Medical Education and Profession (MEP) of ISMKI which functions as a means to give appreciation for the achievements that have been achieved by excellent students throughout the Indonesian Faculty of Medicine . This event was held online from 2 September to 25 September 2022 and was attended by 12 ISMKI Regional Level Achievement Student finalists from 89 medical education institutions throughout Indonesia.


The Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, represented by Putu Emilia Dewi (Bachelor of Medicine 2019) won 1st place in this event.

In the 2022 ISMKI Pilmapresnas, Emilia went through a series of selections from elimination (assessment of achievement files and organizational experience, psychological interviews, and oral case analysis), and finals (presentation of scientific papers with the theme "Legacy of Champion: Upholding Science and Fighting for Characteristics for a Healthy and Developed Indonesia”).

From the opportunities and achievements that have been obtained in this event, Emilia hopes to further develop her own competence so that she can continue to make achievements for the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and provide benefits to the surrounding community.


Pilmapresnas ISMKI itself works by collecting data, recruiting and selecting outstanding student cadres from every institution in Indonesia and finally appointing National Level Outstanding Students through a series of selection processes.