The Student Family Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University (BEM - KM FAPET UNUD) held a Closing Ceremony of Assisted Villages which took place at the Babahan Village Worker Office, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency, Bali (Sunday, November 20 2022).
This activity was closed by the Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Information, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada, S. Pt., MP. and was attended by the Secretary of Babahan Village Headquarters, Chairperson and members of the Dwi Mekar Sipadu 659 Farmer Group, Head and Teachers of SDN 1 Babahan Village, members of BEM-KM FAPET Udayana University.
The activity began with a report from the head of the committee and the presentation of a Documentary Video for the Assisted Village series of events which were carried out in about one and a half months with different activities every week. The series of activities in the assisted villages include PMK Socialization, Livestock Reproduction Socialization and Artificial Insemination, Animal Husbandry Services and Animal Husbandry Education. Then it was continued with a friendly event from the Head of Sipadu 659, then the handover of certificates to Sipadu 659 and SD Negeri 1 Babahan. Furthermore, the friendly greeting from the Secretary of the Babahan Village Headquarters and the presentation of the Plaque to the Babahan Village. This activity was closed with closing remarks from the Deputy Dean III of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry as well as the official closing of Babahan Village as the assisted village and a group photo.