Welcoming the 60th Anniversary, Fapet Unud Holds Community Service in Nusa Penida
The Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University held Community Service activities in the context of the 60th Anniversary of Fapet Unud in 2022 (Sunday, September 4, 2022). This activity was carried out in Saren Satu Hamlet, Batumadeg Village, Kec. Nusa Penida, Klungkung Regency. This activity was attended by the Deputy Deans of Fapet Unud, Head of Batumadeg Village Made Mustika, Chair of the Simantri Group I Ketut Jata, and Simantri member Merta Gopala. Where the theme of this activity is “Livestock Maintenance Management Strategy as an Effort to Prevent Mouth and Nail Diseases (FMD).
The speech of the dean, represented by the Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Information who is also the Chair of the PMK Task Force, Fapet Unud, Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada, S.Pt., MP. conveyed the purpose of this event was to provide information and socialization on how to provide management of FMD prevention. "We also carry out this activity in the context of our 60th Faculty Anniversary, which is planned to culminate on September 16, 2022. That this activity is also in the context of our concern from campuses or universities through service activities, especially related to issues regarding the world of animal husbandry. In addition to sharing information, we also want to get input regarding the understanding of PMK disease and the treatment that has been done. And in the future, it is hoped that this activity can build communication in the future.” said Dr. Sumerta Miwada.
The purpose of this activity is expected to be able to effectively tackle the spread of FMD more widely in the Province of Bali. It is hoped that, in the next few months, PMK cases in Bali Province can reach 0 cases." This activity also presented three resource persons who are competent in their fields, namely Dr. drh. I Gusti Agung Arta Putra, M.Sc., who presented about Management Livestock Raising for FMD Prevention; Dr. Ir. Ni Wayan Siti, M.Sc., on Animal Feed Management for FMD Prevention; and Anak Agung Nyoman Wijana, with the topic Practical Instructions for FMD Prevention. This activity then ended with the provision of Bio Silica Carbon assistance Liquid and molasses to help farmers carry out the prevention and control of FMD in this area.