Donation Submission and Closnig Ceremony of DENTIN (Dental Health Promotion and Prevention) 2022


The Dentistry Student Association (HMKG) FK Unud held a Donation Submission and Closure of DENTIN (Dental Health Promotion and Prevention) 2022 event at Banjar Alas Pujung, Taro Village, Gianyar. (27/8/2022)


The target of this activity is the general public and elementary school children of Taro Village which aims to increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining oral and dental health. This activity is also a manifestation of students in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the field of Community Service.


The event was attended and opened directly by the Trustees of the HMKG (Dentistry Student Association) Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, who in his speech drg. Desak Nyoman Ari Susanti, M.Kes, expressed his gratitude to Banjar Alas Pujung, Taro Village, Gianyar because the Head of the Taro Village Environment has provided a forum for Udayana University dentistry students in providing health services to the village community, so that they can provide an overview to the community. students in providing health services directly, especially in communicating with the community.