The Event's Apex Kinesio XI 2022

The Physiotherapy Student Association of FK Unud held an External Physiotherapy Social Activity "Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy After the Pandemic" at Banjar Cebaang, Serongga Village, Gianyar. (28/8/2022)


Targeting the students of SMA Negeri 1 Gianyar and the Banjar Cebaang Community, Serongga Village from toddlers to the elderly, this community service activity is a form of harmonizing the values ??of the Tri Dharma College which aims to increase public understanding regarding health functions and body movements.


The event was attended and opened directly by the Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Undergraduate Study Program and the Physiotherapy Profession of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, who in his remarks Dr. dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani, M.Kes expressed his gratitude to Banjar Cebaang, Serongga Village because the Village Head and Kelian Banjar Cebaang, Serongga Village have provided a forum for Physiotherapy students, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in implementing their knowledge and providing health services to people who can be an illustration in the provision of health services directly, especially in the aspect of active communication with the community.


The series of Kinesio XI activities were carried out for two days, namely on August 26, 2022 with the Road to School agenda at SMA Negeri 1 Gianyar as well as Door to Door Screening and Health Socialization to the Banjar Cebaang community house, Serongga Village.


Furthermore, in the Peak Event on August 28, 2022, Physiotherapy Health Services and Donations to the Banjar Cebaang Community, Serongga Village were held.


The series of Kinesio XI activities are filled with various activities including:

1. Open Donation

2. Live Instagram Health Discussion

3. Boomshare Educational Videos, Posters, and Casters via the Instagram platform

4. Kinesio Road to School with a series of gymnastics, health socialization in each class, and research

5. Door to Door Screening and Health Socialization with topics around Physiotherapy

6. Health services by checking blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, specific Physiotherapy examinations and providing synergistic interventions with Professional Students and Physiotherapy Lecturers

7. Distribution and Submission of Donations