Workshop and Mentoring General Accreditation (GA) IABEE Faculty of Engineering Udayana University

On Thursday, July 28, 2022, UP3M Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held a Workshop and General Accreditation Assistance (GA) IABEE Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University "Mechanical Engineering". This activity was held in Meeting Room 2, 3rd Floor, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The activity was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, the Taspos Team for the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, and Study Program Coordinators within the Faculty of Engineering. This activity presents a resource person, Mr. Dr. Eko Surojo, ST., MT. from Sebelas Maret University, Solo.



The activity began with remarks from the Head of UP3M Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Wayan Nata Septiadi, ST, MT. followed by remarks as well as the opening of the event by the opening of Mr. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D. as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. The activity was filled with Sharing Experience of the GA IABEE Accreditation Process of Mechanical Engineering, FT Sebelas Maret University by the resource person, Mr. Dr. Eko Surojo, ST., MT., with the moderator being a Lecturer of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Mrs. Ir. Ni Made Dwidiani, MA.Sc.



The presentation began with the delivery of the IABEE review and evaluation stages, where Mr. Dr. Eko Surojo, ST., MT. as the resource person said that improvements can still be made before the visitation is carried out. In this experience sharing material, several notes obtained after the online visit at the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Technical, Sebelas Maret University, were also presented, such as the study program flow in the application of the new curriculum, Basic Science and Mathematics cannot be split from other subjects, Disciplinary Criteria which contains "Capstone design" where the design teacher must have a certificate (professional certification) or experience doing design in the field of mechanical engineering, all lecturers must understand how the curriculum process is structured, as well as the implementation of Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) at the lecturer level, study programs, faculties and universities.


Mr. Dr. Eko Surojo, ST., MT. as the resource person revealed that the PDCA will be asked so that it needs to be explained related to the preparation of the Semester Learning Plan including evidence of activities, implementation of learning from each lecturer, as well as learning evaluations must be prepared such as the MK portfolio where what is evaluated is the value of Subject Learning Outcomes derived from Learning Outcomes of Study Program Graduates.


In addition to sharing experiences, the IABEE General Accreditation (GA) Workshop and Mentoring was also filled with an overview of the Udayana University Mechanical Engineering Study Program and laboratory visits. Several things need to be considered related to laboratories, including safety handling in each laboratory, checking the expiration of fire extinguishers, calibration of tools and calibration plans, introduction of safety for undergraduate students, reports of accidents that have occurred in the foundry laboratory (in the form of reports). in writing) and there is a plan or SOP so that the same thing does not happen again, the arrangement of the laboratory position, laboratory maintenance schedule, licensed software, tool usage logbook, and all practicum tools must be able to operate.



The activity was closed with the submission of certificates to the Moderator by the Head of UP3M Technical Faculty, followed by the submission of certificates to resource persons by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Prof. I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya, ST., MA.Sc., Ph.D. at the same time closing the event. At the closing of the event, the importance of this event was conveyed and it was hoped that in the future there would be continued collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University and Sebelas Maret University, especially the Mechanical Engineering Study Program.