PMK vaccination in Saba Village with students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and the Gianyar Regency Agriculture Office.


Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM), Udayana University participated as volunteers in the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccination activity which was held in Saba Village, Gianyar Regency for 2 days, namely Thursday (21/7) and Friday (22/7). This activity is a series of preventive measures from the spread of Foot and Mouth Diseases that are happening in Indonesia.


This vaccination activity was carried out together with the Gianyar Regency Agriculture Office, represented by Drh. I Nyoman Arya Dharma as Head of UPTD PUSKESWAN III Gianyar Regency; representatives from Saba Village Perbekel, as well as Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas Saba Village, Gianyar Regency. Through this vaccination activity, it is expected to minimize the transmission of FMD in livestock, especially livestock in Saba Village. In addition, this activity also provides understanding and education to farmers in Saba Village regarding Foot and Mouth Diseases.



The first day's activities were carried out in several banjars in Saba Village, such as Banjar Pinda, Banjar Banda and Banjar Saba. The activity began with a briefing and also the division of teams. Each team consisted of a veterinarian from the Department of Agriculture and assisted by several students from the Udayana FVM. In one day, the Department Agriculture targets 100 animals to be vaccinated. The second day was also carried out similarly with the target to several banjars that had not been vaccinated on the first day, such as Banjar Kawan, Banjar Sema, Banjar Tengah, Banjar Tegalulung and Banjar Blangsinga.

This activity was welcomed by all farmers in Saba Village. The farmers are very happy because they can get free vaccinations, get information and education related to FMD. This is also felt by the volunteers who are students from FVM Udayana. Volunteers get very valuable experience from participating in this activity. "I am very happy to participate in this activity, I can directly meet the farmers and take part in preventing the spread of FMD," said I Dewa Ayu Diah Pradnya Pramita as a student who volunteered in the FMD vaccination activity in Saba Village, Gianyar Regency. Furthermore, this series of FMD vaccinations will be continued to Batuan Kaler Village, Celuk Village, Batubulan Village, and also other villages in Gianyar Regency.


Penulis : I Gusti Ngurah Jagad Anom Ksatriya