Dealing with the Spread, Fapet Unud Formed a PMK Task Force Team
Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) has spread to various regions in Indonesia. In an effort to contain the spread in Bali Province, the Faculty of Animal Husbandry at Udayana University (Fapet Unud) also took action by forming a PMK Task Force Team (Satgas) in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of the Province of Bali and the Livestock Sub-Section in all areas of the Province of Bali. Before forming the Task Force Team, Fapet Unud held a Coordination Meeting which was held on Sunday, July 10, 2022. This meeting was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud, Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Tirta Ariana, M.S., IPU., Deputy Dean for Planning and Academic Affairs, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Chair of ISPI Bali, UP2M, UPIKS, lecturers, BEM, and final year students of Fapet Unud. The Dean started the meeting by explaining that “Currently PMK has become the main focus in Bali Province, especially in the livestock sector, because of the high possibility of spreading FMD which is increasingly widespread. In response to this, Fapet Unud needs to form a Task Force Team to take part in overcoming this problem.”
The Task Force team consists of experts, lecturers, and students of Fapet Unud which is planned to be implemented in the near future by targeting cattle, goat, and other livestock breeders who have the possibility of being infected with this disease. "The implementation of this activity by the PMK Task Force of Fapet Unud will be carried out by approaching it through PMK educational outreach activities together with the Office or by carrying out independent socialization through community service activities. The topic that is planned to be conveyed is to focus on good maintenance management to prevent the spread of PMK," said the Dean of Fapet Unud. The target location in the implementation of this activity is planned not only to target areas where FMD has appeared but also areas that have the potential or have not been infected with this disease.
In an effort to maximize the implementation of PMK disease prevention and control in Bali Province, Fapet Unud plans to also utilize students who take part in Unud Real Work Lectures (KKN) for the July-August period by distributing leaflets of the SOP for the Health Protocol for the Maintenance of Vulnerable Animals for FMD and Strengthening Livestock Management. as FMD Prevention Efforts. In addition to distributing leaflets, the implementation of socialization activities and providing education is also planned to be carried out by providing training to farmers such as making silage, making high-nutrition feed to increase livestock immunity, training in the manufacture and implementation of biosecurity with eco-enzymes, and various other supporting training activities.