FISIP Udayana Holds Workshop with FISIP Brawijaya
In the context of the visit as well as to strengthen the cooperative
relationship between the two parties, the Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences, Udayana University held a Study Program Accreditation Preparation
Workshop together with the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
Universitas Brawijaya, which took place in the FISIP Building Hall, Udayana
University. . (29/06/2022)
workshop activity which aims to provide understanding and share experiences
related to filling out study program accreditation with the latest instruments
was attended by FISIP Udayana, namely Dr. Drs. I Nengah Punia, M.Sc., as the
Dean of FISIP, together with Dr. Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel, S.Sos., M.Si. as
Deputy Dean I, Dr. Piers Andreas Noak, SH., M.Sc., Vice Dean II, Dr. I Made
Anom Wiranata., S.IP., MA., as Deputy Dean III, coordinator of study programs,
and lecturers. Also present from the FISIP Brawijaya, Dr. Sholih Mu`adi, SH.,
M.Sc., as the Dean of FISIP, together with Dr.rer.pol. M. Faishal Aminuddin,
S.S, M.Sc., as Deputy Dean I and coordinator of study programs.
his speech, Nengah Punia said that reflecting on the experience and accreditation
ratings of study programs in the FISIP Brawijaya environment, it is hoped that
the collaboration between the two parties can help FISIP Udayana to transform
these experiences as an effort to improve and develop FISIP Udayana. Sholih
Mu'adi also conveyed the same thing and hoped that the output of the
collaboration between FISIP Brawijaya and FISIP Udayana could benefit each
The activity was then continued with the signing
of the Implementation Of Arrangement by each study program coordinator in FISIP
Udayana and FISIP Brawijaya, handing over souvenirs from both parties, as well
as discussions related to the experiences and tips of FISIP Brawijaya in
filling out study program accreditation.