Ni Luh Sukadani Receives Doctoral Degree in Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Science, Unud
The Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University, has again given birth to a Doctor in Animal Science, Ni Luh Sukadani is the Head of UPTD. The Creative House of the Industry and Trade Office of the Province of Bali through an open doctoral promotion examination led by the Chair of the Session, the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University, Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Tirta Ariana, MS., IPU., (Thursday, 30 June 2022)
The Promoter Team consists of Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gst. Mrs. Gde. Bidura, MS., IPU., Asean Eng., Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Tirta Ariana, MS., IPU., and Dr. Ir. Ni Wayan Siti, M.Si. Today's Doctoral Promotion presents an external examiner, Dr. drh. I Made Rai Yasa, MP. and 5 supporting lecturers and 4 academic invited lecturers from Fapet Unud. The dissertation that was successfully defended was entitled "Production Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Male Bali Duck Given Indigofera zollingerian Leaf Water Extract".
The results of the dissertation research found that the use of Indigofera zollingerian leaf water extract at a level of 6% in drinking water is efficacious as an herbal additive that can improve production performance and carcass quality for male Bali ducks aged 8 weeks, "said Ni Luh Sukadani. The general objective of the research was to determine the impact of using Indigofera zollingerian leaf aqueous extract as a feed additive for ducks, while the specific objectives were to identify the phytochemical content of Indigofera zollingerian leaf water extract; To study the use of Indigofera zollingerian leaf aqueous extract to increase production performance and carcass characteristics of male Bali ducks aged 8 weeks; To determine the level of use of Indigofera zollingerian leaf water extract which can improve production performance and carcass characteristics of male Bali ducks aged 8 weeks.